Friday, September 28, 2012

Sand Storm! and Golf

I experienced my first sandstorm here in Dubai on Thursday evening. To be honest, I didn't even know that it was really happening, I just thought it was rather windy out. I have heard about the sand storms here, and seen the one in Mission Impossible 4, but in actuality, they are not even remotely like that. I have been told maybe once every few years a major one happens where you better get your car inside so you don't have to get it repainted. Basically everything becomes very hazy and you can't see the big buildings. I feel like it is kind of similar to following a car down a dirt road. Just chalk it up to another first time experience!

This weekend we went out to my friend Deb's place on the Palm. It was nice and the views were amazing (I forgot my camera). It was amazing to think about these giant hotels and apartments and houses being built on this 'fake' foundation. It kind of freaks me out a little, so I try not to think about it too much.

Other than that, school is one month in and things are rolling. I met with a few head golf professionals in the area, including Chris Villander at Emirates Golf Club. Christ, myself and ASD's Recreational Director are trying to start a golf club amongst ASD and about 10 other area schools. Emirates Faldo course is a lit course and so this makes it possible to play into the evening hours. We are also trying to see what the chances of Meydan (The famous horse race track) and the course there could offer. It turns out the Meydan golf course has been out of commission for the last few years, but Troon Golf Course Organization just took it over and are planning on making it a fantastic and world renowned course. It also turns out the new director and CEO of Troon Middle East division, is a parent at ASD!

We booked our Eid trip and are going to Jordan. I know some of you may be weary about this, but it is totally safe to go there. We are going to go to Petra for one night and then up to the Dead Sea for a few nights to relax and enjoy the amazing views of the famous body of water. I cannot wait. I might have to buy an Indiana Jones style hat and go search for the Holy Grail myself! 

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