Monday, September 10, 2012

One week in...

Well, one week into the school year and I am still in love with my profession. The kids are beyond awesome! The 6th graders are so fun because they believe anything and everything you tell them, because they don't know any better. The 7th graders are just hilarious because they are so sarcastic. And they laugh at my jokes. But, in all honesty, the school environment is amazing. I can't honestly believe I work in such an amazing school and in such a beautiful country.

I feel as if I have a lot to tell,  but don't really know where to start, and don't want to ramble on and on about how wonderful my job is. Because that would be rather boring for any non-teaching folk, really.

I must apologize for still not putting up any pictures of my awesome apartment. It is still fairly bare bones and I am not really planning on filling it up too much. I am trying to not spend a lot of money, and in Dubai that can be very challenging. I want to get some sort of couch so it isn't entirely embarrassing when having some people over. But I think my next purchase will have to be my car, and possibly a hammock for my balcony (excellent idea).

Thanks for all your support thus far. I do miss everyone and the comfort of being able to walk around Lake of the Isles and grab some excellent tacos at the Tin Fish. The food here is great and I am challenging myself to try to improve my cooking skills and not purchase a microwave. Yikes. :)

I will write a bunch more later and try to upload pictures! Ciao for now. 

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