Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Internet, Bad Jokes and Babushkas

I finally got internet in my house today! Hooray! It is kind of sad considering I have been here only 8 days and feel like I have been having a significant void without it! But, it is set up, and I can Skype and FaceTime and will be getting a small TV soon. I don't really miss TV all that much though, so I am in no rush to buy one. However, now with internet the first website I went to was Pandora to listen to music- annnnnd... they don't provide outside of the U.S.!!!! I wasn't happy. So I went and asked Sarah, my colleague and friend from Canada/Britian/Thailand, and I found a lovely substitute music player called 8Track. It was so nice to have a little country music playing. But, I digress.

We had our first inservice day today and just went over the general procedures and expectations for both students and staff. It is nice to have these academic discussions to hear what different people's philosophies are. My team partner, Larry (coming by way of the American school of Warsaw, Poland), is very experienced and I am grateful to have him in my corner here. He also has this extremely dry and witty humor that I find to be hilarious. His wife, Michelle, is our Director of Learning, and she warned me that Larry is full of bad jokes. I assured her that I will appreciate them due to the fact that my Dad is also full of bad jokes (love you Dad).

This is just a picture of my friend Ambre and I. We did have to cover our hair for this particular place we were at. I look like a babushka. Sort of ridiculous, and clearly I don't know how the local women look so stylish when they do theirs. Mine kept falling apart and just in general looking disheveled. Fail. Perhaps I will get a little better, but it's not like I am going to be practicing.

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