Friday, August 17, 2012

Eid Mubarak

Happy Eid-al-Fitr! The Holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan is great news for everyone here in Dubai, including locals and expats alike. This means that for Muslims, their holy month of fasting is over. See above link for more on that. For Expats and your favorite Minnesota girl, it means that stores and governmental agencies now have to hold regular hours (and do their job in timely fashion) and that we can drink and eat in public. It also means I can wear more normal clothing, still on the more conservative side. We new-Bs from the ASD community had our own party to celebrate both the fact that Ramadan is over, and that we have made it through relocation and jet lag. Anything to have a few Coronas and Cocktails! The real celebration for me will be when my shipment arrives! 

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