Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wrapping up the first year

Well, I must apologize for being absent for a while, but to be honest, there has not been that much to report on. Let's see what I can recap for you...

The end of April and beginning of May really flew by, and most likely due to being so busy at work. It has been a long stretch and both students and teacher alike are certainly ready for summer. We have been enjoying unusually mild weather for this time of year, and have been still able to make it to the beach on a few occasions. The water is fantastic and the perfect counter-temperature to the 100 degree heat (yes, that is unusually mild). We have been trying to relax on the weekend, and going to a few brunch affairs to lighten our moods.

Peter's family came into town for the first time in his three years of being here and so I was able to tag along to the Burj Al Arab (the hotel that looking like a sailboat) with them for High Tea in the afternoon. I felt very much like a royal. The hotel is beyond opulent, and it certainly is architecturally impressive on both the inside and out. The food was top notch, with various amuse-bouche and tiny decadent pastries to fill you up. Top that all off with delicious tea of your choice and bubbly too! It was expensive, but I would say that if you come to Dubai, you must do this. It is the epitome of luxury, and everyone deserves that every once in a while. And just in case you forgot to wear your best diamonds to Tea, there are plenty of high end diamond merchants inside the building (Harry Winston or Cartier, anyone?) I definitely had a "Oh my gosh, I live in Dubai" moment. Click the link above.

Looking up inside the Burj Al Arab. It's supposed to look like the Arabian sky? I think it is beautiful no matter what it is supposed to look like. 

Just a sampling...
I also managed to make my directorial debut with the Middle School One Act plays this spring. There are 5 to 6 plays every spring that are around 30 minutes long. The kids did amazing in pulling a play together and memorizing their lines in just over one month! I am so proud of them. They also got to perform on the main theater stage, which is a very big deal. It was so fun to see some of them really get into their characters. It was also fun to cast and direct and learn how to use the light and sound equipment. I really had to step outside of my comfort zone, and it was awesome!
The cast of "Employees Must Wash Hands..... Before Murder." Just a bunch of divas, obviously.

All on stage after! Great Job! 

So now, we have officially reached under 15 days of school left. I am just as, if not more excited than the kids! I will be sticking around Dubai for a few days to close up my apartment (and wait for Peter to get done working) and then it is off to Amsterdam for 3 days and Iceland for 8 days! I'll be back in sunny MN by July 2nd and cannot wait to just relax at the cabin, play some golf, meet my niece Annie for the first time, hang out with my nephew Owen, and see family and friends.