Wednesday, October 31, 2012

365 Km to the Iraq Border

I am back from my first little adventure away fro Dubai! We went to Jordan for a long weekend, and it is by far the coolest trip I have been on. I hope there are many more amazing trips in store. The best part about this trip was that it was relatively inexpensive, because I am so close. Dubai is in such an awesome location, that a 3 hour plane ride can get you to some crazy amazing venues, and everywhere flys into Dubai, so getting a good flight time for cheap isn't an issue! Yay for adventure time!

We flew into Amman, Jordan's capital city, on Thursday evening and rented a car and piled in. The best move on our part was bringing along a GPS, which was borrowed to us, and we are forever in our friends debt because of this small gesture. Four white chics renting a car driving through the Middle East in the middle of the night. Enough said. We piled in the car and got on the road, which is difficult, because unlike Dubai, they don't bother to put the English translations on their signs. FAIL. But on major signs, they do, so our first inclination that we were not headed south to Petra was the sign reading "Iraq Border, 365 Km." Needless to say, that is still far off, but a U-turn soon followed. And after interpreting the arabic signs as "dot dot squiggle, dot, squiggle.." we were on the right highway to Petra and made it to the Guest House safe and sound. 

Petra was amazing. It's hard not to have the Indiana Jones theme song going in your head multiple times. I will say there was not a lot of creative filmmaking in that film when he is coming through the Siq to see the Treasury, because that is actually how it is. You turn the corner and get a little glimpse and it is absolutely stunning as you walk into the open area with this massive stone edifice in front of you. It is unbelievably well preserved because it is so protected from the elements. The whole settlement of Petra is crazy to think about. The Bedouin/Nabataean people carved these caves and structures out of the sandstone and lived there for hundreds of years. I will have more pictures coming, but here are a few. Click on the link above to learn more about Petra.
Me walking in the Siq (passage to Petra)- on left is carved out water way that terra cotta pipes
brought water into the settlement- it goes the entire way! Unreal!

Coming through the Siq with first glimpse at the Treasury- Al Khazneh
Al Khazneh (Treasury). Inside is just an empty space. No pathway to the Holy Grail.
Caroline in front of Monastery (Al Dier). This carved edifice was at the top of the very long and hard climb. Many hundred (I think close to 1000) natural carved and worn steps up a mountain later and this is your reward! That and a diet coke and snicker bar.
So that day was amazing, and there are plenty of other pictures, but I have not had too much time to sort through them all. We loaded up the car after buying a few trinkets and plugged in our hotel information for the Dead Sea.

Again, thank God (and Peter- who borrowed it to us) for the GPS. We drove on some interesting roads. And I might add that the world's worst drivers live in Jordan. I'm not sure if they know that the lines on the road are meant to stay inbetween. The GPS kept us on the right path and what we thought was an hour drive turned into a three hour drive and in the dark and over some very treacherous terrain. We were navigating through the desert, saw some wild looking camels, a few Bedouin camps, mountain switchbacks, random small towns full of only men (saw like four women on the road, but hoards and hoards of men) and finally when the Dead Sea came into view we were able to breath a sigh of relief. By far, the scariest drive of my life, and one I will never forget. The highways are not highways, and are not lit up and have no guard rails going through the mountains and often feel like the size of alleyways, but we made it, and didn't hit any people or goats. 

Dead Sea
We checked in to the Movenpick Resort and Spa, went and had some much needed wine and sheesha, and were able to relax. The next few days at our resort were incredible. The Dead Sea is beyond crazy. It really blows my mind. I thought that like the Ocean, that I would have to do a little work to float, but you don't. It is so salty and you float like a fishing bobber. I could hold my body straight up and down in the water and not move a muscle and bob around. It just was the weirdest feeling ever. We rubbed our selves down with the mud/clay mixture and let it heal our skin. I've never felt my skin so smooth after washing off the mud in the Dead Sea and then rinsing off the salt water. Incredible healing powers. 

Contemplating the sunset in the infinity pool.

The salty rocks lining the sea. The crystals are way big! 

Dinner time!
I also expected the Dead Sea to be bigger than it was. It is long, but narrow. We could see Israel's West Bank the entire time and road signs told us that "No shooting at Israel was allowed." We also got buzzed a few times by Army helicopters and at night we could see several satellites just hovering right over us. Kind of cool, kind of lame when you're trying to be on vacation.

Overall it was an incredible trip. We had a great time and relaxed in the spa and enjoyed not thinking about school too much. I can't wait for my next trip!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not a bad way to turn 26

Hey-o people! So, my life has been fairly consumed by work and I honestly haven't had all that much time to think about anything else. So don't worry. I know I have been neglecting this 'blog' or 'kind of pathetic rambling that you might enjoy' or whatever you would like to call it. Here is an update:

I turned 26. Boom! Not all that excited about it, but alas, we cannot get younger. I did have a pretty fantastic birthday though! I was able to pick up my car from the Honda dealership, and the guys there all knew it was my birthday and had the car wrapped in a bow and had a cupcake for me. I was shocked. But then I learned that they wrap every car in a bow, and that earlier in the day someone in the dealership had a birthday, but that they saved a cupcake for me- aka it was left over! But I digress, it was still a wonderful gesture! Not to mention I am leasing the car for a song. Feeling good about that whole business.

For my birthday we went to my first Dubai Brunch. Brunch here is not your typical 'Mother's Day/Easter' feast. It actually is more gluttonous than that and should honestly just be called "Drunch" because it generally a feast of epic proportions fueled by a lot of alcohol. The general rules of etiquette surrounding brunch is you have to be dressed to impress, and you have to have two drinks and some sort of food plate in front of you always. I don't think I am going to eat the rest of the week. Everything was beyond delicious. There was a Haufbrauhaus attached to our restaurant, and with Oktoberfest going on, the home brew was delicious and the German polka band was rowdy. They did call me up and sang happy birthday to me in front of the pub, which was rather entertaining. Brunch is a must do if you visit Dubai.

The other really amazing thing we did this past weekend was take a trip to Abu Dhabi to see the Grand Mosque. It is UNREAL! The link shows more amazing pictures than what I have below. This was really fun because the Mosque is super beautiful (the place is completely made of all different kinds of marble), and you have to be covered. We knew this before going, so we didn't bring any of our own things because they provide Abayas (black) for the women and Dish-dashes for the men (white) which is the Emirati dress. So we got to dress up. The Mosque was huge and immaculately clean (no shoes allowed ever). Just overall a cool little couple hour round trip from Dubai.

 The security guard on the right was coming to yell at me here for taking a picture without being covered. We ran away so he couldn't take my camera away.

Myself, Matt and Alyssa in our garb at the Grand Mosque

Entry way- everything you see is cut marble... even the flower designs on the walls. You can see the guy behind me isn't covered. There are certain areas that we could go in and that he couldn't because of the dress code. 

We decided to go to Madinat for dinner. It is on the Gulf right by the Burj Al Arab. Unreal that I live in this place. The only way to do fine dining like this is with coupons (usually 2 for 1) from a website. We pulled up in our little car behind a row of Lamborghini's, Bentley's, and Ferrari's. Sweet. 

So just had to snap a pic of this white Bentley. The license plate is way cooler than the car..
That low of a number is definitely a member of the Royal family, and it is totally illegal to photograph them. Hehe! The good thing was that I was not driving while taking this.