Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So it begins! I am officially in Portland at my first professional development conference. The NWEa Fusion conference is held here annually. This city is amazing and I am getting a slight hint of what life might be like when I finally get over to Dubai. I walked around and explored a bit tonight and hopefully can do the same tomorrow evening as well. I cannot believe we are at the 40 day mark for my departure and it is becoming increasingly hard to realize what I am going to have to leave behind, in regards mostly to my friends and family. I have had such a wonderful last couple of weeks being with high school friends and college friends and hanging out with those that really mean a lot to me, and it is hard to realize that I won't have easy access to seeing those people whenever I want to. Yesterday I went on a beautiful kayak excursion around Lake Calhoun, Lake of the Isles and Cedar Lake. It was so unreal that I was still in the city! I was so relaxed and enjoying the beauty of the lakes and again was struck with the bittersweet reality of leaving. I just keep reminding myself of what a crazy opportunity that has been presented to me, and I know I am making a good decision by going abroad.